Last night Suzan and I went to the poetry club thing. It was awesome because many people presented poetry, stories, etc. We were enticed. Here is the poem that I presented under the introduction that I think Ezekiel (chapters 16-18) would have this to say if he were alive in my home country:
Therefore, O whore, hear the word of the LORD:
Because your lust was poured
And your nakedness uncovered in your whoring with your lovers
(Like daughter, like mother)
My fury shall be discovered
Whether Hittite or Amorite or Americanite
You have prosperous ease, submission to greed.
So if God's hand withstands from bringing wrath on this land
Then I'll try to comprehend and understand what happened to Sodom.
Oh, I know your ears are closed, I know that you know that I know a prophet is never embraced in his native sands
So land of the "free" - awaken to see God's merciful hand
Come and witness the Great
But don't overdose on His grace
God's word came to me:
Speak an allegory -
This vine which bears fruit will be pulled from its roots
Unlike the seed from the shoot made fertile by abundant waters
And the Father simply speaks:
To the peaks I take my seed.
I will treat it so you may see
That I make dry the green
And flourish the deadest of weeds
God says 'All lives are mine:
The person who sins shall die,
But he or she who is lawful and right -
Not lifting idolatrous eyes,
Nor defiling a neighbor's wife,
But giving bread to the hungry
And sight to the blind -
Shall find eternal life.
I gave them my name, but my name they have profaned.'
The lame may be crippled, but I'm the one who is maimed.
And I have shed blood on the beautiful
Casting blame upon victim!
God, save us from the clenching fists of our abyss!
To the narrow way; rebuke the broad-road lie.
Repent, for Yahweh pleasures none to die.
The MC commented that my poem reminded me of Ecclesiastes and earthly things heaped up being done in vain.
It also rained a lot yesterday. It rained hard. The sky was pure gray, something I had yet to experience this semester.
Today we are watching a movie for Independence Day. We have postponed the smores party until this coming week. In the evening Jenn and Suzan and I are going to the craft show where artists from countries all over bring their goods to Kampala. I hope to find some good instruments. Tomorrow we leave in the morning for a weekend in Luweero. It is our main opportunity to interact with the Catholic Church in Uganda and be involved with their community dealings.
I am grateful to experience an Independence Day that I believe so strongly in! So happy independence day (many east african countries were also british colonies like my own country)!
Friday, October 9
8:29 AM
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